Biden administration dramatically softens the sanctions it imposed on the seven Israelis from the Israel Defense Forces and makes it clear that they will be able to use their bank accounts.

Original article in Hebrew

  • Tell you what - I’m surprised how many people think Trump of all people is going to somehow handle to both Ukraine and Israel better than Biden…

    For one, Trump is so overtly a Russian asset it isn’t even funny. No enemy of Russia would speak of them the way Trump has both during and after his presidency. Combined with negative comments he has made about Ukraine and the war, he absolutely will cut any and all US assistance to Ukraine - his best effort to hand Ukraine to Russia on a silver platter.

    And you’d be mistaken if you think the Palestinians would fare much better considering in the few public statements he’s made about Gaza show him openly supporting both the actions of Israel and Netanyahu, calling on them to finish it quicker.

    If your reaction to Biden’s weak descalation of Gaza is to allow someone who’s public intentions are even worse to take office, then all I can say is I hope that high-horse was worth it.