No mention of the NDP. If only that was the “something different” people were willing to try.

  • After the Reform party took over the Cons every party shifted one to the right

    If you thought people voting Reform would swap to voting for social policies then I don’t know what to tell you but more Canadians are in favour of privatizing healthcare than against it (if you include want to try it but worried it might not be better)

    • Trudeau’s government isn’t a far right as the Chretien Liberals, let alone the Mulroney PCs.

      People forget the cost cutting and devolution of healthcare and other programs that occurred under Chretien in the name of balancing the federal budget, a policy they kept right through the Chretien and Martin years.

      They actively avoided getting into social policy reform as much as possible. For example, weed legalization was absolutely shot down by that government. In this aspect they were largely a care-taker government.

      Trudeau has expanded public programs, legalized weed, prioritized diversity in cabinet, etc.

      • prioritized diversity in cabinet

        This doesn’t really mean anything, like his equal girls and boys shtick was just more right wing “wokeism” where they play around Gender having meaning and tokenism

        Naturally we would have a more diverse cabinet due to demographics shifts and education

        I will say anytime he has bad press he does come up with some left wing policy to change the narrative like his putting trans protections in the Charter. Even though they were already protected by it