This year I‘ll be able to upgrade to 25/25Gbps and I‘m planning on using at least 20Gbps for seeding 24/7. Is any maintainer of private trackers interested in inviting me?

  • How much will you be paying for a 25Gbps connection? And where do you live for these speeds to be available? Where I live 1Gbps is the max since a few years ago and costs 80€.

    Can’t help you with private trackers except recommending taking the invite for RED/OPS. TL sometimes does open signups and is solid for english content. MAM has a friendly and active community, so I definitly recommend joining them (if you’re interested in books/audiobooks).

    •  earmuff   ( ) OP
      6 months ago

      In Switzerland, the ISP Init7 is offering all their connections for CHF 777.- (USD 861.-) per year and you just get the maximum speed, which is currently 25/25Gbps. This provider is well known for fighting for net neutrality and being against any censorships or mass surveillance. I just love them very much and wish that other countries would have such awesome ISP‘s as well.

      •  Uiop   ( ) 
        6 months ago

        Be carefull, the ISP may be well-meaning to torrenting, however that doesnt change that technically, uploading unlicensed content is not legal in switzerland.

        As well as breaking other laws (by downloading/spreading extremist content for example) can get you in trouble still.

        *Apparently it seems that in switzerland Games for example are in a different legal category from a Movie and such and are technically also illegal to upload. Though I dont really think rhant a private person just suddenly gets into major trouble because of this.

        •  earmuff   ( ) OP
          6 months ago

          Thanks for the heads up. I am well aware of this. Obviously I would try not to get too much attention and would probably block all Swiss clients from accessing my server. Having legal issues internationally at that scale without any money involved is unlikely. But that‘s just my hypothesis.

          Edit: only because I‘m a pirate does not mean I have no moral values. I would never want to distribute heavily illegal content. Only copyrighted content.

            • Don‘t forget that the copyright law is a civil law, so there needs to be someone being able to proof to have suffered from any damages. Having a law case within a border is usually much cheaper to having one internationally, because every country has a different law system and you need a lot more lawyers, just to then find out there was no damage. So the risk of paying a lot of law fees without getting any damages covered is just too high. Obviously, it makes sense that big studios will try to hunt down big trackers, but I think even with my 25/25Gbit I am far away of being an interesting target, especially on an international level. At least this is how my view on this is.

      • Seems like they are using CGNAT, which means you won’t be able to connect to some peers who are also not connectable due to both closed ports. One must open their port to establish connections.

        They can surely remove you from CGNAT but for extra cost. I think paying for seedbox is much cheaper.