What’s your opinion on this? Is curing hereditary diseases on a genetic level a scientific possibility? If so, why there’s a focus on supressing those diseases or their symptoms?

  • I figured so and was reluctant at first to post this but I can see quite some differences with fascist clinical methods. The Nazis exterminated people with hereditary diseases that were thought to stain the supposedly pure, Aryan blood. I don’t think this is what the article was implying as a solution. Implicitly, the author is implying that maybe we shouldn’t be treating those diseases in the way we are right now.

    •  ree   ( @ree@lemmy.ml ) 
      22 years ago

      The article doesn’t discuss what a perspective such as “the survival of the fittest” implies and mostly validate it.

      Moreover some point are a bit weak the academic says sth like “there are more asthma in western societies, I think those are people with weak immune system” . first he’s has no empirical evidence second asthma is highly correlated with pollution I don’t think it’s an interresting indicator.