The mods there have decided to allow underage looking content, skirting close to CP. Unless we want such disgusting stuff on our feed, I think we should defederate from that instance.

Pinging @ernest as well.

  • If something is truly harmful it should be illegal. and if it is illegal, it’s grounds to defederate. if something is not illegal and there’s no need to make it illegal, then it’s fine.

    actual child porn is something that causes harm, and thus should be illegal, and thus grounds for defederation.

    loli/shota are not child porn. these are words that apply to adults. if loli/shota content OF ADULTS is indeed banned in poland, and kbin is in poland and subject to those laws, then it’s understandable that defederation has to occur.

    Something tells me though, that adult loli/shota content isn’t actually banned in poland. anti loli idiots have been trying to declare it’s cp for years now and they’re just wrong.

    • [Polish penal code] Article 202 § 4b penalizes the production, dissemination, presentation, storage or possession of pornographic content depicting the created or processed image of a minor under the age of 18 participating in a sexual activity.

      It takes like 2 minutes to look up.

        • I can’t say I know too much about it, but I was pretty sure shota was almost entirely dependent on one of the characters being in grade school or early middle school?

          “Loli” can be ambiguous, but I think here it’s pretty clear it’s meant to refer to drawn characters with bodies typical of around the age of 10-13.

          I don’t quite know where doujinshi of characters like Betty from Re:Zero would fall, since she’s established as quite old but also childlike in appearance and behavior.

          • but I was pretty sure shota was almost entirely dependent on one of the characters being in grade school or early middle school?

            nope. loli/shota don’t refer to age.

            “Loli” can be ambiguous, but I think here it’s pretty clear it’s meant to refer to drawn characters with bodies typical of around the age of 10-13.

            incorrect, some loli characters can have physically mature adult bodies.

            yes, some loli characters can appear childlike, these are banned from lemmynsfw. some loli characters can appear as adults or ambiguously adults, these are allowed on lemmynsfw.

            • You keep saying that Loli doesn’t refer to age but that word itself is derived from “Lolita” which is an “erotic” novel about a middle aged professor being obsessed with a 12-year old child and kidnapping and sexually abusing her. Although from the looks of it, loli content often circumvent child porn laws by using loopholes and giving bullshit explanations like it is just a 100-year old in a child-like body, the overall innuendo of such content seem to be nothing more than sexualising children. Things like that shouldn’t be given a platform here.