(warning lots of wordy words)

I feel like i stink at everythign and im limited to what my low end pc can do it use to be an office pc but it got refurbished and whatnot (still low end). I usally just go to chatgpt to learn coding and youtube too but i guess thats the lazy way of the coder and i use chatgpt to code to becasue i stink at everything. i have no talent, skills or good hobbys and im dylexic and autistic but yet for some reason and im not sure why i want to make a game. I just feel very lost with things like wanting to make a game i even made a post asking what engine or framewrok i should use most said godot, python, love2d mostly but im not sure how to start its like some werid form of writters block with the fear and guilt of failing gamedev. i tried making a endless runner in godot but i coudent get the player to stand on the platform without falling thru so i raged quite and gave up… but i still have the urge to create or be creative.

  • Make snake! See if you can get chat GPT to give you directions without giving you code to copy and paste. Feel in the blank spaces with googling and Ctrl+f in the docs.

    I’m in a few beginner programmer discords and am a noob myself, having begun self teaching python in February. DM me and let’s connect on discord!