• At least microsoft is honest enough to admit their software needs protection, unlike apple and unlike most of the people who have made distros of linux. (edit: microsoft is still dishonest about what kind of protection it needs though)

    Even though apple lost a class action lawsuit for false advertising over the claim “mac can’t get viruses” they still heavily imply that it doesn’t need an antivirus.

    any OS can get infected, it’s just a matter of writing the code and finding a way to deliver it to the system…Now you might be thinking “I’m very careful about what I click on” that’s a good practice to have, but most malware gets delivered through means that don’t require the user to click on anything.

    You need an antivirus on every computer you have, linux, android, mac, windows, iOS, all of them. There’s loads of videos on youtube showing off how well or not so well different antivirus programs work for windows and android.