A new hype ? Or are these sed (streaming editor) users in disguise ?

  • Comments ending with “/s” mean the author is being sarcastic. Clearly marking sarcasm is important because of Poe’s law, which stipulates that “without a clear indicator of the author’s intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views”.

    • Can confirm. Have been banned for forgetting /s in a stream once where I assumed it wasn’t needed because it was obviously ridiculous and my history there, but random mod thought otherwise.

      Even recently here, I put quotes around something to paraphrase the argument some people make and then proceeded to make fun of it outside the quotes and I got a giant rant because someone didn’t realize I was arguing against that idea. Was not even sarcasm in this case, but I guess needed to put “Common dumdum argument:” before the quotes or something, so people would not get the wrong idea before getting to the end or a post 1/2 this size of this one.