Do you guys see a difference morally? Why or why not?

Educational - Science, Non-fiction books, Online courses, etc.

Entertainment - Games, Movies + TV, Fiction books, etc.

  •  rufus   ( ) 
    6 months ago

    I see no difference. Takes time and effort to write the standard book on electronics and also takes time and effort to produce the new scifi tv series. Both are (different) jobs but I don’t think there is a difference if I pirate one or the other.

      •  rufus   ( ) 
        6 months ago

        Uh. That’s a complicated question. I mean if I were to pirate something instead of buying it… It’d be obviously good for me and bad for the creator. But that question really is a can of worms. I don’t think there is a single, simple yes/no answer to that. Personally I’m leaning more to the “Robin Hood” approach. I’d have less issues taking and copying a multi million dollar hollywood production than doing the same to a small and independent creator. But in practice I might have done both. Copied the textbook my electric engineering professor wrote and downloaded the Lord of the Rings TV series… But I myself also make sure to regularly pay for stuff if I can.