This is Conan. Gets into too much trouble on his own so he has to wear a leash out on walks.

      • It’s good that they are indoor cats, but whether or not the article is personal is irrelevant, the point is the amount of havoc they’re causing. They’re an invasive species, they kill 1.4-3.7 BILLION birds and 6.9-20.7 billion mammals in the US alone annually.

        They are in fact, the most damaging invasive species in history, and we feed and house them to ensure they keep going, the fact of the matter is we’re letting loose efficient little murder machines, and that isn’t the cats fault, its ours. We shouldn’t allow people to keep invasive species outdoors, the ecosystem is vital.

          • As others have already said to you, please try to be respectful and engage in good faith. We’re trying to build something different than what we left. If you’re honest with yourself, you can see that you’re being flippant. Choose grace instead, friend.

            • No, no I don’t think I will.

              I wasn’t trying to argue or engage. This whole thing could have been over after my second comment. The rest was an attack on me for disregarding the mod opinion that could’ve been handled in more tackful ways if they wanted it known

              • For what it’s worth we don’t have great tools to toggle posting as a mod or not. I understand that it likely looked like a show of force to you, and that’s why I stepped in and addressed everybody involved in escalating it, and did it respectfully. We can all choose to act and speak tactfully, which in my experience includes not rising to something you no longer need to.

          • Let’s remember to be(e) accountable for how we converse with each other. I think you posted a lovely picture, and hope that you regularly bring your indoor cats, well, indoors when you’re not able to keep an eye on them in the yard like a responsible human.

              • It’s about participation in a group conversation, and one where we recognize that it’s not generally okay to continue to shout at each other when there’s other folks trying to have a nice time. I’m willing to presume that you keep your cats monitored, and nothing you’ve said here would suggest that’s not the case. You could, given the circumstances, suggest people take an active role in monitoring a species many of us love that is also notably dangerous for other animals.

              • This does not seem like an argument made in good faith.

                You must know there’s a difference between people living places, and encouraging the spread of invasive species. Not to say you are doing that.

                • I wasn’t trying to have an argument. Given the context of the post I was just trying to showcase my own pets for the sake of joining in the joy of animals. You are the one that decided to try to force your own views on to my comment. I truly do not care about what you’ve presented. Hense the antagonistic responses

          • it’s not like anyone can stop you from letting your cat outside unharnessed, but this is a weird way to respond to the objective fact that cats do a huge amount of harm to environments they’re introduced to–and that at the very least we shouldn’t encourage that behavior and people who do it should know the harm it’s causing