Apple’s Music app (formerly itunes) is only playing half of the tracks of a recently downloaded album. It then inexplicably skips to (or through) the next songs similarly.

Is it possible this is an anti-piracy measure? Interestingly, the labelled source appears to be ‘web’ so I’m wondering if the app somehow detects that it’s an illicit source.

The problem does not occur in VLC or with other downloaded albums (although I recall something similar happening with Itunes many years ago on a different computer and/or OS so I can only assume the problem is not me and the actual file or app).

  •  Goun   ( ) 
    16 months ago

    Weird, is it possible that it’s streaming a high quality version, but since you didn’t pay, it just plays half of it? I haven’t used apple stuff in years, so I’m too familiar with it anymore.

    What happens when it stops playing, tho? Does it fail, stop or just go to the next song?