• Exactly! We understand that stopping climate change is possible on paper.

      But we also believe that societies won’t change as fast as needed and that we won’t help each other as needed.

      We saw the pandemic. We saw how we reacted. We know we need to voluntarily reduce emmissions faster than that without ever rebouncing. We know richer countries need to finance poorer countries’ transmission.

      What is happening? During the pandemic poor countries were left behind. Vaccines are still patented and were hoarded by rich countries. A lot of people celebrate the past pandemic economic rebounce. We fight some wars for different stupid reasons. And yeah, it’s hot as scientists told us but we make surprised pikachu faces when there is some climate record broken in the news.

      Also corporations spread lies about the climate and politicians fail to act while people point at us doomers and say we are bad for action, because we aren’t optimistic.

      Please, my government, take the money you take from me to make meaningful change! Man, you can even ration my meat and travel or whatever. I know it’s time for the rich to step up and do their part, but I’m still ready to sacrifice if it is in the right direction. It’s probably late, but as a doomer I am not advocating status quo. Heck, the opposite, let’s destroy what destroys our life basis even if it is uncomfortable!

    • If you don’t want to be part of the solution, then get out of the fucking way loser. Shut up and let the people who care about the planet change the world. You aren’t special for being a climate nihilist.