It could be done with yellow chests with filter, but also buffer chests, right?

What are the drawbacks of each version?

I thought buffer chests would be perfect but then I realized that they require the inserter from the yellow belt assembler to have a circuit condition. Is there an even easier way?

  •  Batadon   ( ) 
    33 months ago

    What I always do is I have my yellow belt production that outputs into a chest which is then used for red belts. Then if you upgrade that chest to a yellow chest, the yellow belts from your trash slots are automatically put into it, you don’t even need to set a filter.

    But yes, if you are using bots you need a circuit condition so it doesn’t use all of the items in the chest. To do that you only need a singular cable though, you directly connect the chest to the red belt inserter. Still the option I would recommend. Looks really clean.

    •  greyw0lv   ( ) 
      33 months ago

      Careful, if you dont set a filter the chest could get filled with unwanted garbage potentially filling all slots and blocking belts from going in.

      Bots also prefer filtered chests so filtering will prevent belts from ending up in other storage boxes