Is it a favourite park or walking track? The library? Do you have a really fun festival that your community is known for? Tells us about it!

  • My town (and all the towns around it) are expanding bike infrastructure like mad. I bike to work and I believe in building communities that aren’t car centric, so I’m thrilled to see it happening in real time. And I found a route to my work that’s almost all on protected bike lanes. It makes me happy

    • Choice! I love a good cycle way. We used to live in a really cycle friendly city but it’s a bit harder living rurally. There are cycle ways but there is one super dangerous 2 lane tree lined road that we’d have to share with stock and logging trucks 😬 hopefully someday they will connect the tracks. Car centric infrastructure makes me feel very isolated

    • That sounds fantastic! Thankfully I am a remote worker, but I would love to bike to do everything I can’t do at home. I seem to be in a very car-centric area, but they are expanding bike lanes.

      • I try really really hard to make sure where I live and work makes this possible. I only apply to apartments near bike infrastructure, I only apply to jobs within biking distance… this apartment was a compromise with my partner, so it feels like a gift from the universe to have bike lanes extended to our house.

        As long as you try sometimes to bike, you’ll make yourself visible and I have faith that makes a difference. Your city council person might see a bunch of bikes some morning and choose to vote in favor of more. Baby steps :)