• As a Slovak, I am frustrated. The opposition seems unable to gain support from voters on the countryside, which is the majority of the population - they are the easiest to convince, usually by lying and fearmongering (i. e. “Korčok will send slovak men to Ukraine”), or giving promises they plan on never achieving but sound nice (reducing prices, even though they are doing the opposite).

    The current government has plans to dissassemble the slovak TV and radio in favour of a state influenced alternative (essentially for propaganda purposes), is reducing punishment for criminals, rapists and thieves (as many of them are now in the government).

    The country’s debt is growing (now at ~7b euros), railways, healthcare and schools are falling. Things still kind of work, but they are held by duct tape.

    • Honestly, we have a similar problem in the US. Republicans are very good at convincing the rural and poor folk to vote against their own best interests. They scare up some bullshit, culture war, religious nonsense and blame the Democrats for making things shitty. When in reality, they just lie, and do the opposite of what they say once they are elected.

      At least it looks like conservatism is no different anywhere in the world.