in what ways do you think kbin should strive to be different from Reddit?

  • I liked the idea is having awards or little extras that you can award to posts you’re keen on, but what I didn’t like was that Reddit profited from it

    Something like that here might actually be useful as the money could act as donations for the devs to pay for their time / server fees. At least in that way people are getting something small but contributing.

    • This is the thing;

      I don’t mind to pay for services, I don’t mind to pay for extra’s as long as the money goes to the people doing the work and the people doing the work increase or maintain the user experience of said service.

      The whole “you just want free stuff” people were shouting on Reddit is a bunch of balony.

      • Hosting costs money
      • Infrastructure costs money
      • Developing costs money
      • Maintenance costs money

      All the above also costs time.

      So of course it is okay for people to donate or have some monetization possibilities to keep the lights on and getting paid for the work they do so they can make a full time living from it or use it as a part time gig.

      But there is still a difference size rift between the above and trying to monetize every single thing from your platform/user base just because of greed.

    • I can see that working well as long as awards don’t affect the placement of comments and posts. Have it just show a icon next to the comment or post like a reaction.
      If magazines can have custom award icons that’d add some charm to the feature.