Alt text:

A three panel meme of someone riding a bike.

  • First panel: Someone riding on a bike. “Reddit is imploding, quick let’s get on Lemmy”
  • Second panel: The bike starts to tip over on its own. “Oh shit there’s too many of us, we’re being defederated?”
  • Third panel: They’ve fallen on the ground by the bike, holding their knee in pain. “Fucking Beehaw”
  • I use regularly and I have never seen any toxic content. Also, most of the instances have very loose requirements to join so why did it only decide to defederate 2 instances?

    • I did, when I tried going over there. The discussions definitely felt… redditier, in a bad way, to me. More immediately jumping to rage and personal insults.

      But mainly the problem as I understand it is that has open sign-ups, whereas has strict, admin-approval sign-up. was getting flooded with users from and who got in through their open sign-up and were then coming into beehaw, being assholes, and creating too much moderation work for the tiny volunteer mod team - they couldn’t moderate such a large and unregulated influx well enough to preserve the safe space or community feel of beehaw communities. Especially when banned individuals could just make new accounts and come right back again.

      There was another post though where they said they’ve talked to the admin and are likely to work something out with them in the future to allow for re-federating, though not yet. But that the admin (at the time of the post) had not responded, iirc.

      • But that the admin (at the time of the post) had not responded

        This has changed now! Everybody’s talking to everybody else at this point. None of the admins are upset at any of the other admins or anything, everyone’s chill except for (some of) the users

    • Loose is not the same and open. The two that have been defederated had open, which means that the problematic users could easily avoid all of the limited moderation tools that are currently in place on Lemmy.