• Security when you’re on untrusted network. I can trust Google to snoop my banking data and update the spending power info on my ad profile, I can’t trust the random dude in trench coat also using the public wifi when I am traveling out of my roaming coverage.

      I joke of course, but the security aspect is still valid.

          • You only use HTTPS everywhere until you don’t. It’s kinda like a security blanket to use a VPN in those situations. Someone could be running a MITM proxy and you’re dumb enough/in a rush/etc. and click accept on the expired cert. Or some new 0day vulnerability allows badness to happen without your knowledge. Even without being able to see your traffic, a bad actor could still see your DNS requests and narrow down what services you use for further targeting, especially if you frequent a place.

    • The biggest thing was being able to switch it on and off from the notifications menu. It is/was super convenient.

      Not surprised this is being shut down because it lacked many of the features that most major vpns had.

      But that feature was unique.