• I don’t believe those articles saying that Israel have been defeated, while Palestine people still are dying and the West Bank is still being stolen. When Palestine came back to it’s pre 1947 territory, we can talk about how Israel have been defeated.

    • Totally fair, but it’s also true that Israel has gained nothing of significance and lost a lot from this war, not getting any of the objectives they set forth.

      Unless the actual goal is genocide, in which case they are continuing to “succeed” every day.

      • The actual goal is genocide, any other stated justification is a lie. They’ve successfully killed tens of thousands, and are certainly going to attempt new settlements and permanent military rule in Gaza, unless the international community intervenes.

      • Israel is defeated like the US was defeated in Afghanistan. It’s not that the Taliban managed to get tanks rolling through DC, but they killed our international image and took away prescious time, money, energy, and lives. They suffered magnitudes more than us, so just like in any war, there were no winners.

        We keep saying “we don’t negotiate with terrorists”, but I’m starting to think that we should consider negotiating with terrorists*.

        '*Understanding the definition of terrorist is very subjective