Leading barrister warns that the kit – used to support gender-questioning children – is likely to be in breach of equality laws and could violate pupils’ rights

Archived version: https://archive.ph/jT7GK

  • other than what they were born as

    assigned at birth; let’s not acquiesce some doctor with a crank habit on 2 hours sleep is correct in what they say on government paperwork off a 2 second glance at baby genitals.

    Either way, you’re the asshole here.

    Big yeah.

        • I mean, I can change it if it really bothers you that much. I just didn’t want to potentially confuse people by using terms they might not be familiar with. Ironically it seems I might have done that anyway.

          To be clear, I’m trans-femme enby, though I’m not exactly in a place right now to be able to medically or socially transition irl. Despite that, people saying “assigned at birth” or “birth sex” or whatever doesn’t really bother me. To me it’s just different ways of saying “this is who they were thought to be until they discovered their true selves”.

          • I mean, I can change it if it really bothers you that much.

            “I hate cops” wasn’t a reply to you, friend. Nor about you. I was calling doctors cops and doing so in response to someone saying “respect doctors” as if that forgives their participation in systems of oppression. To be clear I respect doctors in so far as they treat gunshot wounds, hate them in so far as they snitch on the fact to the feds.

            I thought about explaining the reasoning for the distinction I insisted on making (it was for others’ benefit) but I didn’t want to reply to you again 'cause I feared coming off as a dick.

                • the M or F on one’s birth certificate is not an immutable doctrine, it’s a jumping off point. it’s a starting place so you can see if you like one side before switching to the other. more importantly, it’s a starting point that works for 99% of the population, and the remaining 1% are hindered by it less and less as social progress is made. once we as a society reach the point where there is exactly zero stigma attached to deciding you like the other side, or the middle, or some other fantastical place better than the side your penis, vagina, or lack thereof put you on, thus rendering that decision by your dad’s sperm cell irrelevant to anything besides how you are referred to the first handful of years of your life until you’re old enough to understand the difference and make your own decision, then I don’t see the point in going further than that.

                  you might as well call giving an infant a name a system of oppression, since trans/enby people invariably change theirs.

                  also, whether you believe doctors are cops or not, you do not get to call people meth heads based on the fact that you don’t like them.

                  • Why are we forcing people into “sides” if we know for a fact they can be erroneous?

                    That creates a privileged class for who their assignment is congruent with their conception of self (cisgender people)
                    alongside a disprivileged out group forced to navigate transitioning out of an assignment they never should have gotten (transgender people)

                    you might as well call giving an infant a name a system of oppression

                    I do.