For those who don’t know, retrogaming on Reddit was a labour of love, there is a multireddit, m/retrogamingnetwork that networks over 60 subreddits under one banner giving the audience, banner, and reach of a big subreddit to some very small and niche spaces.

I bopped onto the main subreddit to grab their discord link for and was amazed to see the sub open. There’s a stickied post from “your new head mod” - they’ve made some changes already, ones that would stir debate if the userbase was still there to know about it: Reveddit Link

To quote the post opener:

First of all, you all know me probably at this point, but I’m Chalupacabra. We’re in the process of readjusting the mod team, so it’s not fully set up yet, but I’m your new head mod. It’s a process that’s been in the works for a bit now, I’m sure you’ve probably noticed some of the changes the team and I have put together to try to mix things up a bit based on what y’all told us you were interested in seeing.

And if there’s any doubts as to what the community “were interested in seeing” we had voted 88% in favour of a total blackout.

On the one hand I’m glad I don’t have anything to miss on reddit anymore, I’m not interested in being part of communities run by people more interested in themselves than anyone else, but it’s sad to see something that should have died peacefully be zombified instead.

  •  Kaldo   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    It might be time to start thinking about the future and what happens the next time reddit tries to pull something like this because this is definitely not the last time. If what spez was saying is true he’s going to drastically cut down the moderators powers in the future, letting users take over subs more easily and also probably removing the option to put subreddits to private or readonly modes. The user experience on the site is going to go down and next time you want to protest you will not be as successful as this time.

    What I’m trying to say is, if you want to protect your community it might not be a bad idea to have a backup plan anyway and get people ready for it. The longer you depend on reddits good will the harder it will be to move eventually. It can’t be done over night but it has to start somewhere. My 2 cents.

    • Oh, we do. It took a few to get it sorted but we’re actually doing it here. The community was really nice to me when this thread happened, and heard me out, I like the people here. So we’re moving here. I already started setting up the mags, and will be handing them off/recruiting mods from after it’s all set up and people start coming over.

      Eventually I’m going to crowdsource an entire instance just for us and get some bots to scrape whatever happens at reddit, build an archive and a website for the posts about rare hardware and just cooler stuff that pops up. We’re archivists first and foremost, that’s what retro gaming really is. I don’t trust that solely in the hands of reddit right now, you’re 100% correct.