Leadership of Lemmy has dug in their heels and shown that they will be slow to remove overt homophobia, sexism, and transphobia on this platform. Administration will spend hours or days of effort defending these people to justify a ban that would be instant on other platforms.

You are not safe here. I recommend migrating to either Lemmygrad.ml or Hexbear.net (Hexbear being much less sectarian but the people on Lemmygrad are very cool 😎). Please take care out there. Fuck the patriarchy! Trans rights are human rights! ✊





  •  Pax   ( @ragingpeach@lemmy.ml ) 
    2 years ago

    As a queer person that sees this shit all the time, I’m indifferent. People are shit, this isn’t new.

    Ban them, yes, but there’s no such thing as a safe space lmao. People are always going to sneak their way in.

    I’d rather develop a thick skin than constantly running away every time someone calls me a groomer (and I have been called one; I actually have someone who’s weirdly obsessed with me and continuing to make passive aggressive digs at me on Facebook lol)

    If I’m not in a good headspace, I just tell them to die and click the block button… very easy (and inb4 it’s problematic to tell someone to die, do we really still care about the lives of bigots that try to drive people to suicide. Lmao)

    • The point of a “safe space” doesn’t come with the assumption that there won’t be bad faith players in that space, its just that the moderation and the community can indeed create a place where if something does go wrong, it is handled as soon as possible and in the most productive way, especially in a way that tries to prevent bad faith players from overtaking a discourse on a platform.