Leadership of Lemmy has dug in their heels and shown that they will be slow to remove overt homophobia, sexism, and transphobia on this platform. Administration will spend hours or days of effort defending these people to justify a ban that would be instant on other platforms.

You are not safe here. I recommend migrating to either Lemmygrad.ml or Hexbear.net (Hexbear being much less sectarian but the people on Lemmygrad are very cool 😎). Please take care out there. Fuck the patriarchy! Trans rights are human rights! ✊





  • I completely understand your side now, thanks for clarifying. I agree with some of them and have issues with some other things, but I’m kinda exhausted myself to fully create expositions for my ideas. Also, I do hope you feel better sooner rather than later too, I dont know anything about cognitive issues apart from the ones that come from suffering with DP/DR, but my wishes are that of your well being.

    Hope we both can someday continue this conversation if need be in a way that helps us both. Take care for now!