First things first, obviously very happy to find this place. I thought it’d be good to have an initial director discussion thread.

Personally David Fincher and Darren Aaronofsky — I can watch their films time and time again. I’m currently watching The Whale for the second time and I think it’s one of the most powerful movies I’ve ever seen.

Looking forward to hearing from the community.

  • I haven’t seen some of his earlier movies, but Denis Villeneuve has made some of my favorite recent movies, including Arrival

    I also am a huge fan of the Wachowskis, loved Cloud Atlas, Sense8, and Speed Racer. Only movie i didn’t really enjoy was Jupiter Ascending, but even then, there were aspects i still liked

    •  nix   ( ) 
      11 year ago

      Jupiter Ascending and Cloud Atlas are both great examples of my general rule that I’ll take an interesting but imperfect movie over an uninteresting but well made movie any day. As long as you’re exploring some new ground, I’ll get something out of it.

      • Totally. I know it’s not a popular opinion, but I really enjoyed The Matrix 4 for this reason.

        The movie had some significant issues (wtf was that Merovingian fight?), but I loved the world building both in the matrix and in the real world.