“Cheaper versions of Evercade’s retro game consoles are on the way. The first three Tomb Raider games will be bundled with the EXP-R and VS-R…”

  • I probably won’t be buying any of these cause my EXP LE, VS, Taito Super Pocket, and OG still all work just fine.

    But I’m still thrilled they are doing these minor revs in response to Technos Arcade and the Capcom Collection going legacy rather reissuing something exactly the same. I’m curious to see what sorts kf under the hood improvements the EXP-R is getting around things like battery and audio. I just wish we could’ve got a USB-C VS.

    Ah, well. Still a great deal for newcomers and something special so maybe they don’t feel like they’re missing out on the legacy cart so much.