The realme was super impressive when I got it. But, In comparison the realme isn’t as clear. Glad I got the pixel.

  • The Realme photo looks fake. You just don’t get that much light at night from a 30 second shot without a lot of post processing. You’d probably get blurry stars too, depending on your location.

    It’s great if you want to take photos of your friends at night, but if you’re trying to get genuine photos of the stars, I wouldn’t trust it.

    •  Narc082   ( ) 
      2 months ago

      Yeah, I agree. Way to much light. Also, good luck getting your mates to sit for 30 seconds.

      And, yes, the realme photo was way more blurry. I literally took both these photos around 5 mins of each other about an hour after sundown

      Edit: Might have been closer to 2 hours after sundown.