SunExpress’s German-American boss Max Kownatzki told trade publication TTG that one special flight operated by the Turkish airline for a group of Brits on a golfing break was drunk dry in the space of 25-minutes.

He said Brit travellers are “more high-spend, more hedonistic.”

  • I have never understood why people drink alcohol before and during flights, if there is an accident surely you want to be as alert as possible to maximize your ability to respond quickly to the situation?

    And if you are soo terrified of flying that you need to be at least a bit tipsy to fly, get some therapy or don’t fly.

    • I don’t think they’re drinking because they’re afraid of flying 😂.

      They’re drinking because they’re alcoholics or to pass the time: the flight probably doesn’t seem to take as long if you’re black out drunk. Also booze is usually cheaper on flights than at bars.

    •  TWeaK   ( ) 
      32 months ago

      While the chance of dying in a plane crash is very low, if you get into a situation where the plane is going to crash then the chance of dying is very high. In which case, being drunk might make that experience a little more bearable.

      • Then I am happy to report that I am not i that category, I don’t worry that it will happen on my plane, but that doesn’t mean I am going to be reckless.

        I think it is a bigger issue that you can’t go a few hours without drinking alcohol.

        • “can’t go without” is such a weird way to describe people who drink on planes

          like i get that the entire point of this is some weird moralistic high horse thing, but if you’re going on a plane to travel for leisure, the entire thing is already unnecessary

          “wow people physically can’t even go 2 years without a trip away what addicts”

            • presumably you’d never drink at a bar or restaurant either then? because obviously you’re far more likely to need to respond to something there than on a plane

              and given what percentage of accidents happen in the home, i guess that’s out too

              • I have never really gone out to a bar or restaurant to drink, that has never interested me, I do go to restaurants and from time to time have a glass of cider or wine with my food, but then I mostly switch to water.

                I can confidentally say that I have never been drunk in my 36 years, it has never interested me.