Come back warm weather please, sick of being so cold

  • its all relative.

    That’s fair. 21C is ideal temp for me, although I prefer colder for mostly the reasons some people mentioned below. You can dress up for winter… harder to strip down for the heat. There’s only so much that can come off before the police are called and you’re arrested :P

    And I didn’t realize that the houses aren’t really made for the cold temps. Makes sense when you mention it though. Thanks for the answer, and sorry again if I came off as rude!

    • 100% with you, prefer the cooler months for sure! the only downside is it makes it difficult to enjoy our beautiful beaches :) and you can only get arrested if they can catch you… haha

      and definitely didn’t come off as rude! always happy to share details about how beautiful city that is Brisbane :)

      • beautiful city that is Brisbane

        I have a cousin down that way, I might see if I can visit him one day and experience it.

        I would say come visit the beautiful city of Winnipeg,… but 1: It’s not beautiful, and 2: no one wants to be in Winnipeg, not even Winnipeggers.