Compared to week 1, reset was a lot smoother. There was still some fuckery with the borderlands opening when they shouldn’t. Queue times were reasonable. That could be simply an issue of less people trying to play. We had very minimal lag as well.
Saturday night was typical with the lag as well.

I’m on Skrittsburgh and apparently the red team guys are from Mag lol

    • Griefing? You can’t really call it griefing if you go into a PvP game mode to do your dailies, you should be aware that you get killed doing your dailies. If you don’t like it don’t do the WvW dailies and I’m saying that as a main PvE player.

      • Regardless, it’s extremely pathetic when people go after folks waiting for the daily veteran.

        It’s rare (because most people have better sense) but I actually welcome those griefers when I’m on my roaming build just trying to get the quick daily and they’re thinking they’re going to get an easy kill.

    • I recommend you look at a couple roaming builds for WvW. Exotic gear will do you just fine to get away from random players going after you. For example, my main WvW spec as Necro is Power Boon Rip Scourge with mainly marauder/berserker gear (depending on how much of a glass cannon I want to be), but if I’m roaming or trying to catch up with my squad from clear across the map, I run Celestial Harbinger since that spec has great sustain and plenty of escape abilities. #GuildWars2 #WvW #Roaming