• Not the author but I tested some alternatives. Seems like alternative git forges often support IPv6, rather few Lemmy instances do, but many other alternatives to HN/reddit do. I could not find an easy accessible list of Mastodon instances to check that. Overall the state of IPv6 in 2022 is pretty sad…

      lemmygrad.ml: NO
      lemmy.ml: YES                                   szmer.info: NO
      lemmy.eus: NO
      wolfballs.com: NO
      lemmy.ca: NO
      collapse.cat: NO
      feddit.de: NO
      sopuli.xyz: NO
      beehaw.org: NO
      mander.xyz: NO
      fapsi.be: YES
      midwest.social: NO
      lemmy.juggler.jp: NO
      mandacaru.caatinga.digital: NO
      tabinezumi.net: YES
      baraza.africa: NO
      forum.nogafam.es: NO
      buckeyestate.social: NO
      lm.korako.me: YES
      stammtisch.hallertau.social: NO
      Heapoverflow.ml: NO
      eope.xyz: NO
      heapoverflow.ml: NO
      lemmy.tedomum.net: YES
      lemmy.schuerz.at: NO
      lemmy.cat: NO
      forum.nobigtech.es: NO
      lemmy.mesh.party: YES
      lemmy.shrieker.net: NO
      lem.ph3j.com: NO
      lobste.rs: YES
      tildes.net: YES
      raddle.me: YES
      slashdot.org: NO
      saidit.net: YES
      steemit.com: YES
      20-things.com: YES
      www.4chan.org: NO
      hexbear.net: YES
      codeberg.org: YES
      notabug.org: YES
      savannah.gnu.org: YES
      savannah.nongnu.org: YES
      sourceforge.net: NO
      bitbucket.org: YES
      18/46 support IPv6
      source code
      import socket
      import json                                     from urllib.request import urlopen
      LEMMY_INSTANCE_LIST_URL = "https://lemmymap.feddit.de/instances.json"
              # reddit & HN alternatives
              # Twitter alternatives
              # TODO find list of mastodon instances
              # Github & Sourcehut alternatives
              # ...
      def get_lemmy_instances():
          with urlopen(LEMMY_INSTANCE_LIST_URL) as response:
              body = response.read()
          obj = json.loads(body)                          return [instance["domain"] for instance in obj["instance_details"]]
      domains = []
      total = 0
      for domain in domains:
          print(domain, ": ", end="", sep="")
              addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(domain, "http", socket.AF_INET6)
              total += 1
          except Exception:
      print("{}/{} support IPv6".format(total, len(domains)))