What did you play in the last week. Recommendations, warnings and experiences are all intersting!

  • Started playing Imperium Legends, amazing game despite all the problems the spanish editions has (a lot of rules not translated clear enough to the point i had to reread most of the rulebook in english, tons of typos, paragraphs moved to incorrect parts of the rulebook, king of kings card being printed only in one side, sentences just incorrectly translated and more, seriously, just dont buy Devir’s edition)

    Im loving the mix of deckbuilding with a bit of civilization buildign/resource management, have played 5 games solo already

    My main gripe being how the Qin faction is just unfun to play against (in Solo), after searching a bit i saw that is a common problem, whish i had read that before playing as most of my games were against them, still had fun getting to know the mechanisms.