Currently subscribe to a couple of Plex shares after getting tired of running my own server. This works well for the most part but I’m at the mercy of their infrastructure if anything stops working.

I subscribe to 2 providers for redundancy purposes as they have downtime a lot so it’s more costly than I’d like but still cheaper than running my own and way less time consuming. Not convinced it’s the best or most modern way to pirate / stream.

I’ve read about real-debrid and stremio or other apps. Sounds like torrents and having to wade through low quality releases?

What do you seasoned scurvy dogs use?

  • Real debrid with streamIO is the most painless option I have setup. My parents love using it and have stopped using everything else. You just need to remember to renew your subscription once you have set it up :) I get 4K releases for most of the things I watch, with no searching needed.

      • Unfortunately that does happen. Real Debrid only keeps torrents cached for a period of time. If the files aren’t being accessed regularly, than they will dump the files. If you find an active torrent than you can usually pop it into real debrid, let it download, and access it through stremio. It’s definitely not ideal for a lot of people but it’s still a great service for popular titles.

          • You shouldn’t need it for most content you would watch on any other platform. I’ve had to do it for either old/obscure stuff or foreign language movies. As for torrents, just search for meta indexers and there are a few good ones out there.