Spoiler: GNOME wins

Btw their GNOME Theme manager is here

  •  N0x0n   ( @N0x0n@lemmy.ml ) 
    5 months ago

    Both are too similar and both suck :/

    I mean, I do not want a copie of a closed sourced GUI where everything is behind some obscure hidden configuration… I often had that strange feeling of “why can’t I do that?” For simple basic things.

    GNOME and MacOS both give me the same feeling of closed DE where you’re not in control over basic functionalities :/.

    I have a Mac and GNOME on my debian desktop, I hate both, but luckily I can change my DE on linux so I would say MacOS sucks way more ^^.

    Just my 50cent.

    • GNOME settings are not obscured? And if you want more customization you can use tweaks, which, it’s true, don’t have centralized settings, but you have the power – on MacOS you’d be paying $5-10 for every tweak.

      • Just a simple example, on vanilla gnome you can not set nightlights to “always”, how stupid is that? Yeah there are some tweaks made by people you can download from the official gnome website… But than you have to trust their plugin/scripts…

        I really don’t like that kind of modification :/

        Yeah MacOS is probably the worst OS/GUI that ever existed, and that’s why following a similar path sounds just a bad idea…