• Firefox has a reader view mode, which I can enable by clicking an icon in the address bar. But for some reason, this icon will not appear for this website here. I even have enabled a setting in the about:config that this icon should be shown for all pages, but it will not for this site.

      I used darkreader in the past. But I could not find a solution to just enable temporarily for the current page I am reading. I don’t want to enable for all pages. But you actually reminded me of another plugin I totally forgot: Tranquility Reader https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tranquility-1/ and it does exactly what I want and works for this page too. A click will turn it into a readable text temporarily (default black on white, but changeable). So I guess this is a solved problem for me now? Thanks to you, because otherwise I would not remember and lookup again.