I’m sorry if this is not the best place for this, I couldn’t think of anywhere better to ask about it
the reason most of these people are youtubers is because I went through my youtube subscriptions for ideas
edit: I’ve just realized I forgot to add rule to the title but I don’t know how to fit it in there with it looking not bad
Gary shandling https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/watch-judd-apatow-praise-garry-shandlings-mysterious-genius-in-hbo-doc-203113/
The Larry sanders show is amazing 👏
Fantastic subtle comedy that has an understated nuance. It’s a breath of fresh air among jumpscare slapstick humor that seems to Rule the Day today , see https://youtu.be/4AdHpQW-pEs?feature=shared