Ontario is introducing a suite of measures that will crack down on cellphone use and vaping in schools.

  • I get the vaping ban, but banning smartphones is one of the stupidest bullshit I’ve ever heard. There’s an underfunded public education system, but no- the problem is clearly those damn smartphones. Fucking conservatives man…

      • When I was in highschool (early '10s) I remember successfully arguing that since laptops were allowed in class we should be allowed to use our phones for schoolwork too. Whether that was actually good is debatable. I did actually type the majority of my work on my phone but I also wasted a lot of time screwing around, although the same could be said for the computer lab and I’m sure it would’ve been the same if I ever had a laptop.

        (One note, apparently the school I went to was kind of weird, and only half your classes were actually lessons by your own teacher. Generally all devices were restricted during those classes, with limited exceptions on a teacher-by-teacher basis.)