Meta announced a new AI model called Voicebox yesterday, one it says is the most versatile yet for speech generation, but it’s not releasing it yet: The model is still only a research project, but Meta says can generate speech in six languages from samples as short as two seconds and could be used for “natural, authentic” translation in the future, among other things.

  • Mark Zuckerberg was on the Lex Friedman podcast less than a week ago talking about this, and he said meta would continue to open source their models until they reach the point of “super intelligence”.

    So what changed in the last week?

    • That was specifically around LLMs. In that same podcast he also highlighted how scams are very worrisome and you can probably extend that to any reality-faking technology as it gets more and more convincing.
      It’s self explanatory that the threat of extinction by AI and threat of crafting a fake reality to shape the outcome of the real reality are two different threats