The study found the number of Canadians living abroad relative to the national population was five times higher than the U.S.

  • A new report lends insight into Canadians who leave the country, estimated to number around four million in 2016, or about 11 per cent of the population according to Statistics Canada.

    More than one in ten people in a single year?

    I don’t think I know a single person in all my life who moved out of Canada.

    Are they all movie stars or millionaires?

    • I have met a large number of Canadians who have left the country, and they were not super well off. But no where near 1 in 10

      They were mostly people who became citizens, then returned to the place they were born for one reason or another.

      Sometimes it’s realizing that the grass isn’t greener, sometimes it someone “back home” gets sick, sometimes it a relationship they have in Canada goes away for one reason or another.

    •  pbjamm   ( ) 
      52 months ago

      Seriously. Moving to a new country is GD EXPENSIVE. This is not something you can just do on a whim unless you are quite well to do. That is assuming that the other country even wants you.

    • Yeah, the only people I know who have permanently left Canada had some tax-related issues they didn’t want to deal with, so moved to Central America. The only other Canadians I know who moved to Europe were people who came from Europe, had their kids here, then went back.