I was shocked on my commute to work last week when a couple blocks worth of bike lane had broken glass strewn about.

I just can’t stop wondering if it was on purpose you know? Normally cars are parked or pedestrians are walking in the bike lane so it seems counter intuitive if it was on purpose.

I mean all winter people were shovelling snow directly into the bike lanes so I’m pretty pessimistic at this point.

I love commuting by bike! I just wish it felt safer.

  • broken glass strewn about.

    If it looks like broken bottles, then it’s likely intentional (i.e. targeting cyclists). But as others have pointed it, it could also be smashed window glass, which will look considerably different to broken bottles.

    Either way, it’s honestly a shame that criminals have to ruin it for everyone else.

    Not that it’s going to prevent every puncture, but I’d consider getting some beefy, puncture resistant tires for your bike.