• I don’t see libadadwaita as progress. Last week, simple-scan got an update and is stuck to a dark theme since then. To change it, i would have to install gnome-settings and klick a button there. Can’t do that via my usual keyboard-combo.

      edit: edited Gnome’s ‘don’t theme our apps’ away since it’s beside the point.

      • The gsettings command can change things on the fly in the dconf, assuming that’s where the setting actually resides. It’s a pain to do, but that means it’s possible to write a script that makes the necessary change(s) and that can then be assigned to a keyboard combo.

        For example, I have one that toggles a Cinnamon panel between the top and the bottom of its screen (I won’t get into why) and currently have it bound to Ctrl-Alt-Space.

        It’s currently a hack that uses a couple of hardcoded values that I pulled from the dconf by observing what it was set to with the panel in each location. If it finds the first value it changes it to the second, and vice versa.

        (In the unlikely event I come to change the layout to something it doesn’t recognise, it bails out, doing nothing.)

        Anyway, you could probably do something similar to toggle the dark/light mode.

        • gsettings didn’t work in my case. Which is why i guess it’s libadwaita. Btw, i’m on XFCE.

          edit: though, toggling light/dark via gsettings might work.

          editedit: it didn’t. But GTK_THEME= did. Which is kinda troublesome still, since you can’t switch session variable content for the current session. Needs a wrapper script now.

    • Hello fellow citizen, I almost agree but libadwaita is inherently gnome’s thing, and libadwaita apps are usually closely built into the gnome desktop, so using it outside of gnome seems weird. Kinda like using Dolphin outside of KDE (tho that’s just because of qt). They want to be able to integrate their forks visually.