There are no ethical choices under first-past-the-post voting. We must instead make a decision that reduces the most harm.

  • Bruh there are a multitude of issues that the cabinet handles. As much as what’s happening in Palestine is abhorrent, there are in fact other important things happening everywhere all the time. If you look at only one single issue, then you are blind to a great many things. And if you neglect the fact that one side would also handle that particular issue with even more bloodlust, then you’re just not a serious person.

    • This is downplaying a genocide, and it’s really cold and gross to refer to a fucking genocide as “one single issue”

      Pretty easy not to fund a genocide, eh? Just … do fucking nothing, and you’ve succeeded

      You liberals love to act like it’s such a high bar to clear to just not commit atrocities, and it’s absolutely appalling

      Not to mention that I listed a whole slew of atrocities Democrats are complicit in, and those are just off the top of my kinda tired brain. “One single issue” my ass