A standoff between the site and some of its most devoted users exposes an existential dilemma.

  • Yup, if two months ago they said reddit premium members won’t experience any changes, and started pushing ads to 3rd party clients and restricted NSFW posts on 3rd party clients without premium I bet there would have be considerably less push back. I know I probably would have ponied up to $60/year,but instead I have abandoned the site without any intention to return.

    • Yeah. It’s the paying a lot for considerably less since NSFW makes up a huge proportion of the content. I don’t think (all) users would have balked at $5/mo for unrestricted content access. $10/mo with restricted access, though? Some people have a problem paying that for streaming which has real costs. It’s just not happening to get access to half of a text based platform which barely hosts videos.