There are no ethical choices under first-past-the-post voting. We must instead make a decision that reduces the most harm.

  • Believe me, I understand what Capitalism is and isn’t, what Socialism is and isn’t, and what Social Democracy is and isn’t. Social Democracy isn’t Socialism, and the Nordic Countries are not Socialist, nor are they moving towards Socialism.

    Yes, Social Democracy is insufficient. We need both leftist theory and practice. You are attempting to reject what leftists have learned and built on to do what has already failed, a mistake no leftist should be making.

    • Believe me, I understand what Capitalism is and isn’t, what Socialism is and isn’t, and what Social Democracy is and isn’t. Social Democracy isn’t Socialism, and the Nordic Countries are not Socialist, nor are they moving towards Socialism.

      Social democracy is a form a socialism. Social democrats in Nordic Countries apparently are aligning themselves with groups on the right. I am saying we need to move to socialism.

      Yes, Social Democracy is insufficient. We need both leftist theory and practice. You are attempting to reject what leftists have learned and built on to do what has already failed, a mistake no leftist should be making.

      I think we are talking past each other at this point. I’m very much saying we need workers to own corporations as part of social democracy.

        • Social Democracy is not a form of Worker Ownership but welfare Capitalism.

          Again, this is a description of current social democracies. This is not what am I advocating for with social democracy.

          You are calling Market Socialism Social Democracy, despite Nordic Countries not being Market Socialist.

          No, I was just pointing out social democracies exist. They currently have mixed economies like most countries in the world.

          • You aren’t advocating for Social Democracy then, but Market Socialism. Why call it something it isn’t? That’s like saying you want Communism with Capitalists, you’re redefining established terms.

            • I would argue the majority of what I argue for is social democracy. The fact I’m arguing for workers owning their companies does not exclude the system I’m arguing for from being social democracy. I want a market economy, I just want the workers to own that market economy.

              • So you don’t want Social Democracy, you want Market Socialism. Absolutely none of what you have said so far indicates Social Democracy over Market Socialism.

                Again, a worker owned market, is Market Socialism, not Social Democracy.

                • We are discussing workers owning the companies they work for. I don’t need to explain every other idea I hold because the one being discussed could fit in another box. My point is that workers owning the companies they work for fits into social democracy. Ideas do not respect your rigid categorizations. And this splitting hairs is effectively a moot point.

                  Also I want social democracy.

                  • No, workers owning the companies they work for is not compatible with Social Democracy. Your point is akin to saying you want Communism with Capitalists, or a state with Anarchism.

                    Let me ask this: what do you believe Social Democracy is, and why are you against advocating for Market Socialism, which is exactly what you have been advocating for if we take you at your word?