There are no ethical choices under first-past-the-post voting. We must instead make a decision that reduces the most harm.

  • So you want Democratic Socialism, not Social Democracy, got it. You even say you disagree with Social Democrats.

    I believe you are confusing the goals of a system with the structure. Once you transition to Socialism, you are no longer a Social Democracy.

    • Not all people of any given ideology agree. I am going to focus on a distinction between democratic socialism and social democracy I believe is important, this is not the only distinction. Democratic socialism is democracy agnostic. They are fine with socialism being achieved with a democracy or with a revolution. I want democracy and socialism. And I want to achieve socialism through a political revolution. Unlike democratic socialists, this a non-negotiable point for me as a social democrat. In the event, we lose our democracy, I’m not going to obstruct somebody’s revolution. Pickers can’t be choosers. But as long as we have a democracy I am going to leverage that power to achieve a social democracy. Political revolution is the way I want to achieve socialism. And if I did have to hypothetically achieve socialism as part of a violent revolution, a social democracy is the kind of system I would like to create.