There are no ethical choices under first-past-the-post voting. We must instead make a decision that reduces the most harm.

    • The lot of you are going to be so surprised when your posturing leaves you confused/scared under the dumb orange man:

      Why go further left when you can shoot yourself in the foot and go further right?

      It didn’t warrant a response because, again, it’s entirely state-narrative dribble coupled with an army of upvote-bots.

      Voting for 99% fascism over 100% fascism isn’t really the “gotcha” you think it is ;)

      In regards to the Palestinian state, they likely won’t even be alive by the time Biden loses, so it’s really a moot point regardless…

      Enjoy the fall comrades ✌️

      •  null   ( ) 
        5 months ago

        We won’t be confused, we’ll know people like you allowed it to happen.

        If you think throwing away your vote means going further left, then I have a bridge to sell you.

        • Legit nobody has correctly identified why the people in this thread are completely avoiding using the word “Palestine” and are instead using “Gaza.”

          You’re either a bot (AI profile picture, so it seems fairly likely), or you’re posturing for whomever is paying you to sit in that chair and flame lefties instead of actually, idk, changing the policies of your genocidal party.

          No mate, you will be why it falls.

          2016 round-2-electric-boogaloo is going to suck for those of you dumb enough to remain in your doomed country after all of this shit.

          Enjoy the fall comrades ✌️