Best job i ever had was maintenance guy at a nursing home. Loved it. Rewarding. Fulfilling. Paid only $10.75/hr so i left it and ‘developed my career’ and now im ‘successful’ but at least once a week i have dreams where im back in the home hanging pictures, flirtin with the ol gals, being useful.

So when people ask ‘who fixes toilets under communism?’ my answer is a resounding ‘me. I will fix the toilets.’

  •  Chuymatt   ( ) 
    310 months ago

    As someone with 4 degrees, a high IQ, and the availability of YouTube, I would still never touch anything more complicated than changing out an outlet, and even some of those are a bit risky, depending on the situation.

    I yield the floor to the sparkies.

    In every realm, those who think they know things out of their field of expertise, just because they have a field of expertise, are typically both wrong and unsafe.