•  d3Xt3r   ( @d3Xt3r@lemmy.nz ) 
    5 months ago

    Indeed. But I think some confusion will still remain as long as the ntfs-3g FUSE driver is still included by distros. Because right now, you have to explicitly specify the filesystem type as ntfs3 if you want to use the new in-kernel driver, otherwise it would use ntfs-3g. And most guides on the web still haven’t been updated to use ntfs3 in the fstab, so I’m afraid this confusion will continue to persist for some time.

    • I’ve had bad experiences with ntfs3 anyway, so it’s probably for the best that ntfs-3g is the default. Also last I checked ntfs3 had effectively been orphaned by paragon (the developers), is that still the case?

      • ntfs3 has had several improvements in 6.2 and 6.8, and it’s been pretty stable for me of late. I use it to share/backup my Steam game library mainly + for my portable drives for general data storage/local backups, and haven’t had any issues.

        It’s not orphaned. There was a bit of lull after it was introduced in kernel 5.15, and yes it was a bit unstable in the 5.x series, but it’s been pretty good since 6.2 where they finally introduced the nocase and windows_names mount options. The performance improvements are worth it if you use NTFS heavily, so I would personally recommend switching.

        •  Sina   ( @Sina@beehaw.org ) 
          5 months ago

          I would have loved to take that performance before I converted my data drives to ext4, however it’s just inherently not stable.

          Sometimes If you have a power loss you have to run chkdsk on Windows to get out of ro mode, no?

        •  taaz   ( @taaz@biglemmowski.win ) 
          15 months ago

          For me, Steam (on Linux) has been periodically corrupting the ntfs disk, I do use it on windows too and not even win hybrid/fastboot/hibernation disabled helps.

          May I see what mount options you use for the ntfs3 driver in fstab? I do not currently have the nocase and windows_names …

          •  d3Xt3r   ( @d3Xt3r@lemmy.nz ) 
            5 months ago

            Mine looks like this:

            UUID=blah /media/games ntfs3 uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=000,rw,user,exec,nofail,nocase,windows_names 0 0

            If you’re copy-pasting this, make sure your uid and gid matches of course.

            But the key thing for Steam is you need to have your compatdata folder on a Linux partition, because Proton creates folders with invalid characters (like :). windows_names would prevent that of course, and thus prevents corruption, but it would cause Proton to fail since if can’t create those folders/files. So you’ll need to symlink that folder on your NTFS disk to point to a folder on a Linux partition.


            $ mkdir -p ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata
            $ ln -s ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata /media/games/Steam/steamapps/ 

            Of course, before you run the above, you’ll need to delete the existing compatdata folder from the NTFS disk.

          • It’s r/w, if you specify the filesystem type as ntfs3. I believe if you use just ntfs it’ll be read-only, to mimic the behaviour of the old driver, for compatibility reasons.