Karl Marx’s home life was a hot mess. Jordan Peterson can’t keep his room clean. So what?

  •  millie   ( @millie@beehaw.org ) 
    59 months ago

    Literally most people do not have any idea who Jordan Peterson is. Everybody on Beehaw probably does, but that doesn’t help an article that’s going to be introducing this guy for the first time to likely a significant number of its readers.

    Queer folks and leftists tend to be aware of this guy on the one hand, and transphobes and a certain brand of conservative on the other. Other than that? It’s not like he’s a household name.

    There’s no need to treat him like he’s important and fail to address why he’s a problem at all.

    • Queer folks and leftists tend to be aware of this guy on the one hand

      Guess who the CurrentAffairs demographic is. :D

      Literally a magazine for internet socialists, who absolutely know who this guy is, especially if they’ve been reading it for awhile. Your average Joe Schmoe doesn’t know what CurrentAffairs magazine is. More people know who lobster man is, honestly.