A look back at the bestselling book franchise that taught people to “think like economists,” by which it meant “think cynically and amorally.”

  • Sure there is nuance to it, and it’s good to help people and society, but we shouldn’t be forced to.

    the other comment challenges one half of this, but i’ll also challenge this bit since i get the sense this is a position you believe you hold but don’t actually. i’ll briefly illustrate why, and you can correct me if i’m assuming wrong of you here.

    i am going to assume you support taxation. there are a lot of reasons to—it maintains your roads and allows your fellow citizens to survive, be housed, be clothed, and be fed. but you are compelled to pay taxes by legal sanction and even imprisonment. so if your issue is with being forced to help people and society, wouldn’t it then be necessary to oppose taxation, since it does that but it’s not voluntary?