Hello SquaredCircle! Welcome to our Weekly Discussion Thread!

What have you watched lately? Seen any great matches? Have suggestions for things to watch? Anything not getting covered in other threads that ya wanna fill people in about? Questions about promotions, wrestlers, ‘the business’ or more?

Feel free to post below!

(Reminder, this thread can and will contain spoilers for possibly any show. Spoiler tags are not required in here, but if the show just happened try and keep spoiler talk it to its respective discussion thread for the first day).

  • so i was doing a rewatch of dsotr and i came across the chris benoit episode and it made me realize how thankful i am that you don’t really see any chairs in aew at all - aside from a few rare occurrences of heavily protected ones.

    and then it made me realize how sad i am that the hottest period for wrestling in history happened during a time that took so much out of the performers. i really wish time travel was possible so the attitude era and ecw could never have happened.

    •  GeekFTW   ( @GeekFTW@lemmy.zip ) OP
      41 month ago

      I don’t think I would want the attitude era nor ecw to never have happened (way, way too many timeline changes, very wibley wobley), but a different history would have been preferred where we were smarter about things that had been done in the ring (chairshots, etc)

      That being said 90%+ of the wrestlers would still be pilled up loons regardless so we’d be only marginally better off.